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Friday, July 3, 2009

Deeply Random Thoughts....

You know I love Jack Handey, creator of the deep thoughts segment that used to be featured on Saturday Night Live in the early ninety's... I confess I am also a deep thinker. It is really how I spend most of my time. Even when I am engaged in the real world it seems that every bit of information I take in is used as evidence in formulating an idea or thought about something. So, since Jack Handey has coined the "Deep Thoughts" phrase I think I will claim "Deeply Random Thoughts" for myself. So this is just a segment where I will elaborate on some of my less serious or lengthy observations about life.

So here goes the first installment of "Deeply Random Thoughts" by Jennifer Baker

1) "GOT MILK?"
This continues to frustrate me. Why is the milk in the back of the store? When I go to WalMart, I feel like I am carrying my milk around for hours. It should be in the front. I can see no good reason for it to be in the back. The only slightly devious thing I can come up with is that they are expecting that you might shop more if have to go to the back. We live in an excessive society, so I really just don't think it would effect their sales all that much if they put in the front. Isn't the freshness more important??? Probably a very good reason they leave it back there, is that somewhere along the way that was just the way it was done. Therefore, if it was always done that way, it so shall forevermore be done that way. This kind of reasoning makes me and my right-brain thinking very frustrated. I have never been satisfied with that answer to any question I have.... "that's just the way it is" or "that's the way we have always done it" drives me to a special part of crazy and leads to inner screaming. I just don't buy it.

What kind of people take their babies and toddlers to the store after 10:00 for their casual family shopping? I just don't understand. And it's mostly couples I see do this, and the baby doesn't look sick, as if they were out picking up medicine or something... So this continues to bug me. Not to mention they are usually frustrated with their child, who obviously needs sleep. Why doesn't one of them stay home? They can call, they can text... It's called tag-teaming people. Sad. If anyone can give me hope for a better answer to this question then please do so.

I will not spend too much time here. I saw a baby the other day with double hoop earrings in her ears. She was the daughter of the clerk at a gas station. She was five months old. She will have splits in her ears by the time she is old enough to wear earrings. I could observe no obvious cultural or religious reasonings from the child's mother. I wonder when she will get that baby her first tattoo. It'll probably say "Mama". Get some sense! Too bad you can't buy sense at Walmart.

4) Now on to less negative yet still perfectly random thoughts.... I love the sunset. I am in love with light. I like to stare at the sky and see the beauty of God's artistic expression. Especially the sunset. It brings me great deal of happiness to see his work and the magnificence of what he has made. It reminds me that I am small, yet cared for. That He created something so beautiful, and that He created in me a preference for beauty, makes me feel very connected to him. It is like looking at peace. I feel the same way about the ocean. I could just sit and look at it for hours and never tire of the majesty and enormity of it, and yet, every grain of sand is accounted for, as well as every hair on my head. Seeing God like that does not make me feel lost, and overlooked, on the contrary, it makes me feel extra special, because I know He took the same care in creating me, and in planning my life.

5)I have been thinking a lot lately about the open road. I love the road. To drive, especially alone, is nearly therapeutic to me. When I am in my car alone, looking down into the horizon, seeing the stripes on the road zip by as if they were moving and not me, well, it is a little piece of heaven to me. Many a song is written about the open road. I have no affinity for convertibles though. It is not about the wind whipping through my hair, it is about a strange form of communion with God. It is downright peaceful. I used to have three and four hours to meet with some of my clients in my region. I loved the driving. I am an unusual mix because I am so desperate for people and connecting, but then, I must have time alone, really really alone. The road has always been a respite for me and my aching soul. I have come to some of the most powerful conclusions of my life while driving. I have met God face to face on the road, and it was in my car that my faith changed in a dramatic turn. I would give anything to go on a cross country trip on the open road, alone. Or with someone, It'd be fun either way. But, if I could go on a trip by myself to the beach, drive through the sunset, take photos of the locals, write, paint and draw, well that would be just right. I really should have been a hippie.

I hope you enjoy the first segment of "Deeply Random Thoughts" by Jennifer Baker. These are photos I have taken out and about and in and around. Thanks for reading.


  1. I too have wondered about those people who take their children out late at night. I just want to go up to them and say, "Can I just take the child home with me and let it know normal for a little while?" And then I realize that probably would not be very nice.

  2. Love the "Random Thoughts"!
